T ourism

Ordinary webcams are old news. Our new panorama camera provides our guests an all–around live impression directly from the Piz Nair at all times. Due to Virtual Reality, everyone can enjoy the breathtaking mountain landscape live and up close, in fact as close as if you would directly stand on top of the summit.
Michael Kirchner, Head of Communications and Sales at Engadin St. Moritz

Reach target groups – PanoCloud solutions provide the right marketing tool for tourism. Whether ski resort, hotel, city and municipality, tourist office, amusement park, beach, … – put your holiday destination tastefully and creatively in the right perspective.

tourism collection

A PanoCloud webcam gives you the opportunity to win new customers in individual and creative ways. How?

Simple as that: Mr. Smith is planning his next holiday. Immediately he googles for possible locations and finds your webcam. Out of curiosity he clicks on it and sees a beautiful image with an included news ticker „Nassfeld skiing -> enjoy wonderful snowy slopes with a unique flair“. Inspired by this news, Mr.Smith also looks for hotels and local prices in the near vicinity. With the multi-camera selection Mr. Smith explores your slopes and the highlights of your region full of anticipation. Inspired by this, Mr.Smith wants to inform himself about accommodation and prices on site. In the customer menu of your PanoCloud webcam, you can make it easier for him, as Mr. Smith sees your „Bergwinter Special“ under the menu item „book“ and simply books by mouse click.

The link to the PanoCloud webcam is saved by Mr. Smith as a favorite, to be able to watch it again and again with enthusiasm, including current weather conditions thanks to the weather situation on site. After the fantastic stay with you, he regularly looks at your PanoCloud webcam image to bring back memories. Due to the news ticker you keep him informed, and over a hotspot with videos you offer him also an appealing hiking experience during the summer.

This makes Mr. Smith a satisfied customer who enjoys coming back.

Benefit from using PanoCloud Webcams to reach and bind new customers. If you should have any questions, please contact us any time.

gartnerkofel panocam


virtual reality goggles




Virtual reality – A unique feature of our PanoCloud systems is the ability to always create up-to-date 360° spherical panorama images and display them in virtual reality. Even with a cheap VR cardboard for a few euros, every modern smartphone becomes a virtual reality headset. These VR cardboards with a custom-printed design also make for ideal gifts or promotional material.

Thus, visitors share their memorable memories with family and friends at home






Tourism camera solution